
Could I load at least 1 projectile (mostly arrows, bolts) into my Undine Weaponshaft longspear and fire it/them by using my hydraulic push ability?


1 Answer 1


No. That's not something hydraulic push can do. It can

  • knock over a creature
  • soak a creature or square
  • bull rush a creature or object

Bull rushing does no damage and moves the target one square, plus one square for every 5 points your attack surpasses the CMD. It's not entirely clear what an arrow's CMD might be (it's only defined for creatures), but taking a few liberties and assuming 0 Dex and 0 Str and Diminutive size (much like object AC calculations), the CMD would be -4. If there's a creature in the way of the bull rush target's path, you make another CMB check against that creature's CMD — with a -4 penalty — and push them both the appropriate distance (minus the distance already pushed).

So this would, at most, just waste ammo and push the enemy away with an effective penalty of -4.


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