Questions tagged [tools]

For questions about using an online or offline tool in preparing or running an RPG. (This tag is not to be used for questions about the use of in-game tools, such as carpenter's tools or a forgery kit; the [equipment] tag might be more appropriate.) Note that questions asking for a tool recommendation are no longer allowed here; see the full tag wiki for details.

3 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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How do you optimise a session-summary workflow for roleplay sessions on Discord?

To create session summaries, I prefer using congregated individual session data. The data I focus on is the number of events, their corresponding dice-rolls, and chat messages to the next event. This ...
Akixkisu's user avatar
  • 19.6k
4 votes
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How to create a custom Lycanthrope in HeroForge Anew?

One of my players will probably end up becoming a Wereshark next session. To create our character sheets, we use HeroForge Anew. However, this program only recognises the Lycanthropes from the monster-...
Arthaban's user avatar
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3 votes
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Is there an option to circumvent creating an entry in the character advancement log in Genesis 6.1.2 when creating a hero rank >1 character?

When creating Splittermond player characters with Genesis 6.1.2, how do I create characters with a higher hero rank than 1? Currently, it looks like I have to create an event after regular hero rank 1 ...
Akixkisu's user avatar
  • 19.6k