Questions tagged [map-making]

For questions about creating maps of physical space and terrain, for use during preparation or play, from the scale of galactic jump-lane routes to the map of a dungeon corridor.

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25 votes
8 answers

What tools are available to create custom dungeon maps?

I want to create my own maps for my campaign, but I'm not good at drawing. Are there any tools that could help me? As I'm not good at drawing pictures myself, I'm looking for a tool that allows you ...
Mnementh's user avatar
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17 votes
11 answers

What's the best software for mapmaking? [closed]

I would like to know if Paint.NET and Paint Shop Pro are the best tools for creating fantasy cartography. Does better software exist? If so, what is the software, and what specific features make it ...
GameDaddy's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

Any tips for drawing dungeon maps using Inkscape or similar software? [closed]

As stated. I tried a few specialized mapping tools, but I feel like I'll be happiest just using Inkscape (an open source vector drawing tool). I'm still working on getting an efficient system down ...
23 votes
7 answers

As a GM, what minimal geographic knowledge should I have to make realistic maps? [closed]

I draw topographic maps for my players all the time, and in real time (it is just easier for me to express myself with a pencil on a sheet of paper than in words). I have two problems with this. ...
Vorac's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

How do I balance detailed encounter maps with not wanting to give away my dungeon layout?

I'm in the process of designing a Megadungeon, and it seems like people run large dungeons like this using the theater of the mind to avoid giving the layout away and allow players to explore, get ...
jcaz's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

Is Forgotten Realms geo-location data copyrighted, or free to use?

I am in the process of creating a gis map of Toril, starting from the Faerun Continent. (More details are in this question on GIS.SE: Starting a QGIS project for a fantasy world map from raster images....
yann.kmm's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

What happened to Irony Games' tools?

About five years ago, there used to be a site called Irony Games that hosted a variety of useful map generator tools (Non-functional list of tools shown here). Have these tools ever been re-hosted ...
Maximillian's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Are there any problems using a mix of hex and square grids on a map?

I'm creating some maps with a 5ft hex grid and hoping to keep them system agnostic. There are some rooms that have a shape that doesn't fit the hex grid well and would fit a square grid much better. ...
Saydn's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

What collaborative mapping software would meet my needs? [closed]

Background I am the head of plot for a boffer LARP that runs monthly. A given game has anywhere from 10 to 50 players. We have around 5 people that run plot. I need the entire plot team to be able to ...
corvec's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

How do you represent sloping topography on a battle mat?

So, the vast majority of combat happens on flat environments, but most real-world environments are topographically variable. They have hills, and trenches, and slopes, and stuff. I have no trouble ...
JAMalcolmson's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Making fantasy city [non-tactical] maps with GIMP

Does anyone know of good city specific (although I would be interested in others as well) plug-ins for fantasy RPG map making using GIMP? Edit: I am more looking at macro-scale (so whole city and a ...
Sardathrion - against SE abuse's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

Where can I find cartography icons for game maps? [closed]

I am looking for icons to represent cities, villages and other places, something like the ones that come with AutoREALM, but which can be used in my mapping tool of choice (GIMP in this case). Is ...
Nova's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How large should the Large Sheet of Paper be?

I always get one that's too big. We play with 3-5 people and don't want to spend more than two and a half hours straight drawing landscape at the absolute longest. What size paper would be best?
Please stop being evil's user avatar