Questions tagged [star-wars-saga-edition]

For questions about the Star Wars Roleplaying Game: Saga Edition, an RPG published by Wizards of the Coast from 2007-2010 built on modified d20 System mechanics. It is a version of the company's Star Wars Roleplaying Game with substantial changes made to streamline the rules; for questions about the original version from 2000 or the revised version from 2002, use the [star-wars-d20] tag.

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15 votes
1 answer

What are the mechanical differences between Star Wars Revised Edition and Star Wars Saga Edition?

What are the mechanical differences between Star Wars Revised Edition and Star Wars Saga Edition? Are there any benefits in playing one over the other?
mirv120's user avatar
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9 votes
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Most effective lightsabre dual-wielder at low levels?

It's been implied that my current Jedi character in SWSE might die/be handed in by the party, whilst the GM plays him as an NPC. In that eventuality I'd like to bring out another Jedi but focus on ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

What is the closest system to Star Wars Saga edition that's still in print? [closed]

I'm playing a game of Star Wars Saga Edition with friends, but I was horrified to find that due to ownership of names, and systems etc the book is no longer in print, and getting hold of a copy is ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

In Dawn of Defiance: The Traitor's Gambit, when do the PCs level?

I've been playing no-XP Pathfinder for quite some time and I've gotten out of touch with the XP grind. As an introduction to Star Wars Saga Edition, we're playing through the free campaign Dawn of ...
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