Questions tagged [warp]

WaRP is the OGL version of the system within Over the Edge.

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2 votes
2 answers

I would like a self-contained, non–Al Amarja Over The Edge adventure [closed]

I would like to use the Over The Edge rules (I have access to both the original game and the WaRP rules) to experiment with remote gaming (either via chat, email or some of the dedicated stuff). I am ...
9 votes
1 answer

Any games based on Warp/OTE out there?

Atlas Games has recently made the Over the Edge core rules available as OGL. Are there any games using it? Even if not yet available (i.e. still under design/playtest) I would like to see what ...
6 votes
1 answer

What is the differnce between a 2d trait and not having a trait?

In Over the Edge or The Warp System is there a difference between having a 2d trait and not having a trait?