11 votes

Where are the DCC acronyms (such as HD and CL) stated and explained?

Nowhere, at least not explictly. I suspected this was the case but I searched my digital copy of the current 10th printing of Dungeon Crawl Classics (DCC), and it does not contain a list of game ...
Guybrush McKenzie's user avatar
9 votes

How much should PCs weigh?

Just use real weights This is what we do in the Coup de Greyhawk -campaign. Real weights for people, real weights for items, to the accuracy anyone bothers to find out. How much can you carry? Just ...
Tommi's user avatar
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9 votes

How much should PCs weigh?

You don't need to carry alone The early editions of D&D were heavy on the resource management (see for example this answer to What's the point of long, empty hallways in dungeons?, in my ...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
6 votes

How much should PCs weigh?

Since this is old-school inflected B/X I contend that referencing the real-world as a heuristic for making the rulings is appropriate. For carrying a downed character, I believe that referencing ...
Dave's user avatar
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4 votes

Where are the DCC acronyms (such as HD and CL) stated and explained?

To follow up on Guybrush's excellent answer about abbreviations in Dungeon Crawl Classics, you can purchase the AD&D 1E Dungeon Master's Guide (1979) to get a list of terms. The 1E DMG (Dungeon ...
Michael Shopsin's user avatar

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