blindsight: the only base familiar with blindsight is the bat, and his is echolocation. So, not inherently broken, but rare.
burrow speed: Only familiar with a burrow speed, and tries to make up for it by tanking speed in general. This one is also... a bit odd. Why would an eldritch crystal have a burrow speed? More to the point, it lets you get in and out of certain places rather more easily than you'd otherwise be able to at low level, and gives it a near-guaranteed escape if it's on a surface it can tunnel in. Would be acceptable as a Unique And Shiny Thing, or convert it into a flight speed (for levitation). Possibly remove the ground speed entirely and give it only a flight speed (probably a slightly faster one) to represent the fact that it's a crystal and does not actually have legs. Lets it be a bit weirder (I suspect the player likes weird), but not in a way you need to worry about.
otherworldly resistance: This is... excessive. Its primary effect is that it lets the player throw around area effects a much as they like without hurting their familiar. It's also not well-justified. In fact, as far as I'm aware, nothing in the game has blanket immunity to spell damage. If he were building a completely different familiar, I might accept immunity to a single element as the one completely awesome thing it had, but that's not what he's building here. Carve it out.
innate spellcasting: Blur is second level, and increases survivability in a way that other familiars can't match. Meld into Stone is third, and offers both survivability and shenanigans. Both are overpowered, compared to what is expected of familiars. The only other familiar with a spellcasting effect is the octopus, who's water-bound.
intelligence stat: 10 is way too high for a familiar base. all other base familiars have between 1 and 3.
constitution stat: higher than any of the base familiars in the book (most of whom have 8). By extension, this is the only familiar with 3 hp. Probably pretty harmless in itself, but underlines the min-maxxing.
blindsight: the only base familiar with blindsight is the bat, and his is echolocation. So, not inherently broken, but rare.
burrow speed: Only familiar with a burrow speed, and tries to make up for it by tanking speed in general. This one is also... a bit odd. Why would an eldritch crystal have a burrow speed? More to the point, it lets you get in and out of certain places rather more easily than you'd otherwise be able to at low level, and gives it a near-guaranteed escape if it's on a surface it can tunnel in. Would be acceptable as a Unique And Shiny Thing, or convert it into a flight speed (for levitation). Possibly remove the ground speed entirely and give it only a flight speed (probably a slightly faster one) to represent the fact that it's a crystal and does not actually have legs. Lets it be a bit weirder (I suspect the player likes weird), but not in a way you need to worry about.
otherworldly resistance: This is... excessive. Its primary effect is that it lets the player throw around area effects a much as they like without hurting their familiar. It's also not well-justified. In fact, as far as I'm aware, nothing in the game has blanket immunity to spell damage. If he were building a completely different familiar, I might accept immunity to a single element as the one completely awesome thing it had, but that's not what he's building here. Carve it out.
innate spellcasting: Blur is second level, and increases survivability in a way that other familiars can't match. Meld into Stone is third, and offers both survivability and shenanigans. Both are overpowered, compared to what is expected of familiars. The only other familiar with a spellcasting effect is the octopus, who's water-bound.
intelligence stat: 10 is way too high for a familiar base. all other base familiars have between 1 and 3.
constitution stat: higher than any of the base familiars in the book (most of whom have 8). By extension, this is the only familiar with 3 hp. Probably pretty harmless in itself, but underlines the min-maxxing.