If I have all the feats from Dimensional Agility to Dimensional Savant and(and can cast Dimension Door myself (once per daydimension door myself), what magic items can I also use to cast dimension doordimension door as a Swift Actionswift action because of the feat Dimensional Dervish?
Dimensional Dervish says:
You can take a full-attack action, activating abundant step or casting dimension door as a swift action.
So if I useCan a dimension door spell cast from a wandwand or dimension door, ora dimension door spell in a Ring of Spell Storingring of spell storing, ora dimension door spell available due to a Ringring of Wizardrywizardry IV, to cast Dimension door will itor a dimension door spell recalled by having used a pearl of power (4th-level spell) be activated as a Swift Action/willswift action because of the feat Dimensional Dervish? Can I still be able to use Dimensional Dervish even if I cast itdimension door as a standard action?
Lastly how would pearls of power fit the equation?