Can aA level 10 Wizard craftcreator can use the feat Craft Wand to create a wandwand of snowball modified by the metamagic feats Intensified Spell and Empower Spell. Normally, the price of Snowballsuch a wand is 30,000 gp (1st[1 (spell level spell) with Intensified Spell+3 (+1metamagic adjustments to spell slotlevel) & Empower Spell] ×10 (+2 spell slotcaster level) for a snowball of 10d6+50%??×750 gp).
AndHowever, if hethe creator has Magical Lineage Snowballthe trait Magical Lineage (snowball), can hethe creator make that wand as a nearly identical wand except at a total adjusted spell level of 3 spell instead of 4 yet that has the same effect?
And if he is a sorcrer with a bloodline power to change the elemental type of a spellcreator possesses the supernatural ability elemental manipulation (or another ability that allows the Admixture School abilitiycreator to change one energy type to another), can he makethat creator create a "fire" snowball wand??wand of snowball that's, instead, a wand of fire snowball that deals fire damage?