This may be a bit weak
Note that this proposed cape is strictly worse than the existing Cloak of Protection:
You gain a +1 bonus to AC and saving throws while you wear this cloak.
The cloak grants a bonus to saving throws on top of the AC and works along with armor and shields.
Other than the fact that the cloak is listed as 3500 gp in that list, it is better than your proposed cloak in every way.
Reducing the item to common is not recommended
This comparison to the Cloak of Protection may lead one to believe that reducing the rarity to common is a way to solve this. However, this item is still granting a static bonus to AC and according to DMG guidelines (page 285), this means the magic item should be at least be uncommon.
This places it in a weird spot where it seems weak for uncommon but strong for common.
The price
You should keep in mind that the price list for magic items you are using is homebrew. Regardless, even using that list, you can find an Ioun stone of Protection that simply grants +1 to AC listed at 1200 gp which you may want to use instead.