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Post Reopened by KRyan, mdrichey, Szega, Dale M, SevenSidedDie
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Why is the Deck of Many Things considered unbalanced?

So, theThe general consensus of the internet is that the Deck of Many Things is overpowered and unbalanced. I can't see why. Sure it can make your character a king, but it can also just make your character a vegetable. That seems balanced, just extreme. The only thing I can see is if a DM gives it at the wrong time and it derails the campaign, but that's not really the items fault.

Why is the Deck of Many Things considered unbalanced

So, the general consensus of the internet is that the Deck of Many Things is overpowered and unbalanced. I can't see why. Sure it can make your character a king, but it can also just make your character a vegetable. That seems balanced, just extreme. The only thing I can see is if a DM gives it at the wrong time and it derails the campaign, but that's not really the items fault.

Why is the Deck of Many Things considered unbalanced?

The general consensus of the internet is that the Deck of Many Things is overpowered and unbalanced. I can't see why. Sure it can make your character a king, but it can also just make your character a vegetable. That seems balanced, just extreme. The only thing I can see is if a DM gives it at the wrong time and it derails the campaign, but that's not really the items fault.

Post Closed as "Opinion-based" by Purple Monkey, KorvinStarmast, Mołot, Exempt-Medic, Oblivious Sage
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Wise Man
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Why is the Deck of Many Things considered unbalanced

So, the general consensus of the internet is that the Deck of Many Things is overpowered and unbalanced. I can't see why. Sure it can make your character a king, but it can also just make your character a vegetable. That seems balanced, just extreme. The only thing I can see is if a DM gives it at the wrong time and it derails the campaign, but that's not really the items fault.