The movement ends when the charger makesability can only prevent the attack if it places the enemy far enough
Two things can end your move:
- You run out of speed
- You do something after which you cannot resume moving
- Take a Standard or a Minor action
- Fall prone
- Attack, in case you were moving as part of a Charge
Rules Compendium changes the definition of Charge, compared to PHB. No mention of "ending your move" any more. Charge (PHB p287Rules Compendium p240):
Move and Attack: The creature Move yourmoves up to its speed as part oftoward the chargetarget. Each square of movement must bring the creature closer to the target, and make a melee basic attack or a bull rush at the creature must end of yourthe move at least 2 squares away from its starting position.
Obviously you do not need to move 6 squares even if your enemy is only 3 squares away. The movement ends when you attack (orAs Glazius writes, "Each square of movement during the target moved outcharge is its own separate event." So each square of your movement range).
So the DM was wrong, the Barbarian could have followedcan be reacted to.
WereThe sequence of events:
- Barbarian moves to adjacent square
- The enemy has two options
- Trigger the ability, then the Barbarian can chase if he has movement left, and attack it
- Not trigger the ability, but then the Barbarian can attack it
So it can only help if this moves the trigger "when you are attacked", you could disruptenemy beyond the attackBarbarian's speed.
You can think of it as the Barbarian ending his move in each square he moves into, and then resuming it if needed.