I'm in a real life-life 5e table game where we meet weekly and I'm running an oathOath of the ancientsAncients paladin.
I've just started BG3 and pick an ancientsOath of the Ancients paladin aswellas well to see how larianLarian have ported them over to the game I'vegained. I've gained an additional ability that I've never read about in any of the books we're using for our in real life games and-life games; I'm wondering if its something they've home brewedhomebrewed for BG3, or if itsit's something I've missed whilst readingthereading the books on. On the BG3 wiki its, it's listed as a Channel Divinity option sooption; so far in our RL table i've, I've only seen natue's wrathNature's Wrath or turnTurn the faithless
buFaithless, but in BG3 theresthere's one calledhealing radiance called https://baldursgate3.wiki.fextralife.com/Healing+RadianceHealing Radiance.
I'd like to see if someone can confirm if itsit's entirely a BG3 home brewedhomebrewed option, or if I've missed this option/ability when checking the books as. I'd really like it in our RL game, as in BG3 it appears to scale, so if my character were to use it in game-game, it would be essentially a double tap-tap 21 hp-HP heal.