Technically yes, there are no limitations on the number of free actions in a round. However, this is one of the areas that Savage Worlds leaves largely up to the common sense of the GM, remembering that each round is only 6 seconds and that there is a limit as to what can be done in that time. If you are the GM ask yourself whether what the player is proposing doing makes sense and would physically possible. If you don't think so then you are within your rights to disallow it. (I'm sure I've seen an official post confirming this to be the case, but I can't find it at the moment)
It should also be noted that there are some limitations that apply to free as well as rolled actions. For example, a free action cannot be repeated within the same turn under normal circumstances.
Also, although certain actions are normally free, circumstances can be such that they require rolls to succeed. There is an example that covers this here.
This is all one of a number of good reasons why you should get your players to describe everything they want to do in a round before resolving anything, as the complexity of their actions can and will often dictate whether you ask for any rolls for things that might normally be free actions.