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Moved specific Pathfinder example class to body only.
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For questions about the witch as a character archetype or class applicable game, eg.which can be found for example in Pathfinder.

The Witch class in Pathfinder was introduced in the Advanced Player's Guide and features hexes, a familiar, and arcane spells with more buffs and debuffs, some from divine spellcaster lists.

For questions about the witch as a character archetype or class applicable game, eg. Pathfinder.

The Witch class in Pathfinder was introduced in the Advanced Player's Guide and features hexes, a familiar, and arcane spells with more buffs and debuffs, some from divine spellcaster lists.

For questions about the witch as a character archetype or class, which can be found for example in Pathfinder.

The Witch class in Pathfinder was introduced in the Advanced Player's Guide and features hexes, a familiar, and arcane spells with more buffs and debuffs, some from divine spellcaster lists.

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For questions about the witch as a character archetype or class applicable game, eg. Pathfinder.

The Witch class in Pathfinder was introduced in the Advanced Player's Guide and features hexes, a familiar, and arcane spells with more buffs and debuffs, some from divine spellcaster lists.

The Witch class in Pathfinder was introduced in the Advanced Player's Guide and features hexes, a familiar, and arcane spells with more buffs and debuffs, some from divine spellcaster lists.

For questions about the witch as a character archetype or class applicable game, eg. Pathfinder.

The Witch class in Pathfinder was introduced in the Advanced Player's Guide and features hexes, a familiar, and arcane spells with more buffs and debuffs, some from divine spellcaster lists.

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This PathfinderThe Witch class in Pathfinder was introduced in the Advanced Players GuideAdvanced Player's Guide and features hexes, a familiar, and arcane spells with more buffs and debuffs, some from divine spellcaster lists.

This Pathfinder class was introduced in the Advanced Players Guide and features hexes, a familiar, and arcane spells with more buffs and debuffs, some from divine spellcaster lists.

The Witch class in Pathfinder was introduced in the Advanced Player's Guide and features hexes, a familiar, and arcane spells with more buffs and debuffs, some from divine spellcaster lists.
