#Assuming a willing target, you could do this
Assuming a willing target, you could do this
After you cast Haste, targeting the enemy, you can release concentration on the opponent's turn.
You can end concentration at any time (no action required).
A willing creature, as defined in this answer, is one who consents to the casting of a spell. Whether a creature would be consenting to a hostile creature casting haste on it depends on it's ability to identify the spell, it's knowledge of it's effects, and it's relationship and faith in the caster. All of these things are under your DM's control, so only your DM can know if a creature would be willing to be targeted by the spell.
After it has consented to the spell, however, it seems unlikely that you would perform any action between the casting of the spell and its turn to make it suddenly unwilling, so the spell would be likely to be active until you choose to release it.