Any action or condition that requires a concentration check will disrupt the fascination and prevent the prayer attack's coup de grace, because the only relevant rule here is the class's ability description, which is very specific:
She can maintain the fascination effect by concentrating.
That means that she must maintain it (or it is lost) and that concentration is required to do so. This is a very specific rule that applies solely to the crimson assassin's Prayer Attack supernatural ability. It in no way means that other supernatural abilities either require a concentration check or can be disrupted, unless they say so, because the general rule is as you stated:
Supernatural Abilities (Su): These can’t be disrupted in combat and generally don’t provoke attacks of opportunity. They aren’t subject to spell resistance, counterspells, or dispel magic, and don’t function in antimagic areas.
Edit: apologies, I of course meant "...will disrupt the fascination and prevent the prayer attack's coup de grace if the concentration check is failed, because..."