There's a rules change from the Werewolf: The Apocalypse sourcebook Hengeyokai to the 20th anniversary edition of Werewolf (reference d as W20) that was presented in the supplement Changing Breeds (referenced as W20 CB) that confuses me.
Edition History of the issue
Back in (2nd Edition) Hengeyokai, Kitsune had a clear benefit that they were allowed to learn gifts for \$ Rank \times 4 \$ XP instead of the usual \$ Rank \times 5 \$ XP, as seen in the Experience table for Kitsune and the following excerpt:
For the most part, Kitsune gain and spend experience like any other shapeshifter. The primary difference comes when learning the Gifts of those outside their own breed or Path — here the Kitsune truly shine. Of course, the guidelines for cross-Gift learning given in the Werewolf Players Guide (pg. 189) should be followed fairly closely; but the Gifts that Foxes can learn, they learn quickly. Hengeyokai p.174
I can't find the referenced rules (for a lack of the 2nd Edition Werewolf Players Guide), but a fellow player told me it says that it's pretty much up to the GM's discretion what can be learned across Breed/Path/Fera borders.
The Revised Players Guide to Changing Breeds (referenced as PGtCB) brought us the following statement:
Kitsune rely heavily upon their magical strength and versatility. Not only are they able to learn potent Gifts of their own, but can easily learn the Gifts of other Changing Breeds as well.PGtCB p.100
Sadly it omits what this means, and does not give an altered XP table.
W20 CB Version
Changing Breeds for W20 changed this to the following:
Kitsune rely heavily upon their magical strength and versatility. Not only are they able to learn potent Gifts of their own, but can easily learn the Gifts of other Changing Breeds as well, as long as they have a teacher for the Gift. The experience cost is the same as for a non-breed/auspice/tribal Gift. W20 CB p.126
How is the newest, W20 CB sentence to be interpreted? To me the following answers seem plausible somehow:
- Kitsune can learn any Gift they find a teacher for, paying \$ Rank \times 5 \$ XP (What is the limiter for other Fera then? GM Fiat?)
- Kitsune can learn a larger list of Gifts compared to other Fera for \$ Rank \times 5 \$ XP (using GM discretion as limiter for either list?)
- Kitsune are no different from other Fera and rely on the standard rules, that just specify that it is possible to learn gifts from lists you don't usually have access to, but provide little guidelines for itW20 p.151 & 244 but relying entirely on GM discretion.
It might however mean something entirely different... but then what does it mean?
I would prefer an argumentation that gets to a conclusion over simply referencing that this would be a Golden RuleW20 p.231 issiue, as the Golden Rule/Rule 0 is simply "The GM is always right, if the Rules say otherwise, the GM is in the right to break and change them".
W20 just provides this little piece on learning gifts and cross list learnign gifts:
As a character gains more experience, she may purchase more Gifts. However, the character must be of a rank equal to or higher than the level of the Gift desired, or she cannot possess it —the blessings of the spirits won’t settle on the shoulders of the unworthy. During play, a werewolf may learn the Gifts of other breeds, auspices or tribes, provided she can find a spirit (or other Garou) to teach her. However, these Gifts cost more than those normally associated with her own tribe, auspice and breed (see the Experience Point chart, p. 244).W20 p.151
To me, the may learn strongly hints that allowability is GM fiat (as is the availability of a fitting teacher).