A friend wants me to develop several CR 40+ monsters for Pathfinder, by chain-applying useful templates to high-CR monsters. This endeavour includes one CR 61 creature, which will be an advanced (as per the template), half-celestial, half-fiend, half-brass dragon, half-bronze dragon, half-blue dragon, half-silver dragon, half-green dragon, half-white dragon, half-umbral dragon, giant, boreal, fey, fungal, broken soul, dread lord, dream eater, implacable stalker, mutant (both bestiary 5's "Mutant Creature" and Numeria's "Mutant"), counterpoised, nightmare lord, drakainia.
In making this creature, as is usually the case for high-level classed characters, high-CR monsters with lots of templates, and anything with Leadership or other free-people-generating abilities, the character sheet is a mess. Usually, I just work on the thing long enough I memorize how it works, but since I'm making this for someone else I need it to be reasonable to use the character sheet to figure out how it works. I figure since this is a common obstacle I face in both high-level 3.5 and mid-level Pathfinder play, this is probably a problem someone has already solved. How can I best organize the information on a high-level monster/NPC sheet so that people can most easily understand how the creature works and find relevant statistics/abilities as needed?