I was helping one of my players make a backup character for our game. She's making a paladin and picked the Find Steed spell. We're playing in Fantasy Grounds so I was making up a PC sheet for her mount, since it has its own attacks, HP, and place in the initiative .
While putting the attacks in I got to wondering, are mounts obtained through this spell magical? Namely the attacks?
Part of me wants to say yes, it's a mount that's gotten through magic, altered from the beast's natural form, given extra intelligence so that it's sentient, can talk, and has a telepathic link to it's master. But then there's the thing about things in 5e doing what they say, and there's nothing in the spell description that says the attacks are magical.
I assume the RAW is going to be that the attacks are not magical but I wanted to see if anyone had another view on this.