I've tried to involve my players in city creation a few times through the course of the game, usually whenever they are about to finish up a story arc, but I usually all I get are just get a few shrugs and not even a question about anything I suggest. They go silent and shrug even when forewarned it would be coming last session. I tried using obsidianportal for a while, everything from asking and suggesting stuff on the group forum to posting news snippets and trying to bribe them with fate points to simply ask about something in it that they would like to guide the next session towards without success at all.
The closest I've gotten was someone suggested a hospital run for supernatural types that transfers anyone mundane that comes in whenever possible, but when I asked why or what it was that was interesting about it to him/made it worth mentioning, I just got that he didn't know and thought a hospital would be good in case anyone needs it. Another guy once suggested his character's girlfriend and her father but couldn't give me anything about what might make them relevant or how they might become important, basically leaving it up to me to abuse his character's family if I choose to.
How do I get my dresden files players involved in city creation?