Naively, this enchantment is a lot worse than some others you could get.
Suppose that your weapon deals 10 damage, it hits on an 11+, and it has an x3 crit.
Then your damage output is (0.5*10 normal damage) + (0.05*0.5*20 crit bonus) = 5.5 per attack.
If you got the shock weapon enchantment, it would add (0.5 hit chance * 3.5 lightning damage) = 1.75 damage per attack.
If you got a boring +1 weapon enchantment, your damage output would be (0.55*11 normal damage) + (0.05*0.55*22 critical)=6.655, so 1.155 damage per attack.
If you got the keen weapon enchantment, it would double your threat range, adding 0.5 damage per attack.
If you got the old maiming enchantment, it would on average improve your critical damage by an 0.5 multiplier, so it would add 0.125 damage per attack.
If you got the new maiming enchantment, it would add 1d6 to your critical damage, so (0.05*0.5*3.5)=0.0875 damage per attack.
The people who take this enchantment won't have a threat range of 20, though. They'll have a threat range like 15-20 (because they'll have an 18-20/x2 crit weapon, which they'll modify with Improved Critical). When this weapon attacks, 30% of its attacks will be potential crits and 15% of its attacks will be successful crits, so damage will be (0.5*10 normal) + (0.15*10 bonus) = 6.5 damage per attack.
With a weapon like that, taking the shock enchantment still adds 1.75 damage per attack.
But the old maiming enchantment will change the (0.15*10 bonus) to (0.15*15 bonus) on average, so it adds +0.75 damage per attack.
The new maiming enchantment will add +1d6, 20% of the time, so +0.7 damage per attack.
If we scale up the damage per hit, the old maiming enchantment will scale up with it, while the other enchantments won't. But it would take a great deal of scaling up to make a balance difference.
Here's my conclusion. Even under optimal conditions, the new maiming enchantment is less than half as good as shock. The old maiming enchantment is a little bit better, but still much worse than shock unless the character has put a lot of effort into tuning their build to take advantage of it.
(and of course there's a question here about creatures with lightning resistance...)
I don't think this is unbalanced.