I'm running a Fate Core fantasy game. One of my players is a paladin in shining armor, a prince in town from the next kingdom over --- but one who is in way over his head. Although he looks like a fighter-type, is apex skill is Rapport, and his Trouble is that he's on a Quest Plagued with Rotten Luck.
During play, he got a Success with Major Cost and acquired the aspect Losing Faith. Shortly thereafter he was invited by an NPC merchant to a fancy party. The merchant wants him to give it all up --- he thinks he can use the Prince for social climbing. Other party guests have reasons for wanting him to continue; still others are pursuing agendas that don't depend on his quest, but could still cause Stress. At least one PC has a solid reason for him to continue, and as for the other two PCs, their position will probably shift over the next session.
My idea is to set this up as a Conflict, with lots of Rapport, Deceipt, Provoke, and Empathy exchanges. (Meanwhile some more classic fantasy skills are being rolled by two characters who are sneaking in to the party during all this; violence could conceivably erupt when the Prince has taken a bunch of Stress/Consequences.) The reason it seems like a Conflict to me is that the stakes are very high: if the Prince doesn't concede and is instead Taken Out by the merchant, he would give up adventuring --- virtually the same thing as character death.
I've set things up so that the merchant has created a couple of good advantages. I want this to be a tough 'fight' for the PCs. But is it a fight? Or would it be better as some kind of Contest? I've run Fate once before but I'd welcome any advice on running this scene.
ETA: The Diaspora rules on social combat are quite interesting --- I'm especially interested in sketching out some different zones for dancing, chatting, and for the Mercenary to cause scandal whilst eating.