I'm currently running
Tomb of Annihilation
and there's a lot of Yuan-Ti the party is about to encounter.
My party has had a lot of contention and pain-points with the Suggestion spell, and it appears to be a hard spell to tie down RAW, as it is subject to a lot of contextual judgment calling and opinion based reasoning. I'm hesitant to even ask this question because the spell itself is primarily "opinion-based", and it may be closed due to its nature.
Also, every Yuan-Ti can cast this spell innately.
I don't want to deal with this potential headache. What are my options for a balanced, suitable replacement for Suggestion based on these criteria:
- The spell is also 2nd level or lower.
- The spell deals no direct physical damage upon its casting.
- The spell is related to either the Enchantment school of magic, a charm effect, or some other mind-altering effect.
- The spell must be useful in a combat encounter (for example, having direct language relating to actions taken in combat, or hostility).
Spells that keep with the theme of the Yuan-Ti would also be the most preferable and hopefully the above criteria narrow down the search to objective guidelines that do not produce subjective, opinion-based answers.