Yes this all basically works, with a couple of caveats
Two Weapon Fighting, Rapid Shot, and Flurry of Stars should all combine together. Each of these abilities works on full attacks (Rapid Shot specifically only on ranged weapons).
Without any of these abilities, and a BAB of +6, a full attack gives you two attacks, one at +6, and a second at +1 (assuming no other modifiers, although realistically you will have others).
Two Weapon Fighting allows one extra attack with the off hand. Shuriken are light weapons (as specifically mentioned in the Two Weapon Fighting rules), so the modifiers for this would be -2 to both hands. Rapid Shot imposes another -2 to each attack, and adds one extra primary hand attack. Flurry of Stars will add another two shots, and add ANOTHER -2 to attacks with the Shuriken.
So, in total, you will get 4 attacks with the primary hand at -6, 1 iterative attack with the primary hand at -11, and one attack with the off hand at -6. Add a Haste effect for another primary attack at -6.
Normally, drawing a thrown weapon would be a move action, but shuriken count as ammunition for the purposes of drawing, and so are a free action to draw each one.
Each hit will allow sneak attack, assuming you somehow qualify for sneak attack, and are within 30' of the target. Note that just hiding will generally only grant sneak attack on the first attack. Sniping won't be an option with a Full Attack. Standard invisibility would also only apply to the first attack, although Greater Invisibility would apply to each shot.
Given the limitations on Sneak Attack, and the modifiers to your attack rolls, the average damage output of this combination won't be terribly high. Your sneak attack of 4d6 and BAB indicate you are likely 8th level. The average AC of creatures at CR8 is about 21. With a -6 modifier, you'd need a normal ranged attack modifier of about +17 to be hitting 50% of the time, which you are highly unlikely to have. Assuming you are using Greater Invisibility, you will likely be targeting a flat footed AC, which usually works out to be about 3pts lower. You may also have issues piercing any sort of Damage Reduction. For comparison, this same basic trick can be performed by a Zen Archer monk archetype or a gunslinger with handguns. The gunslinger will be attacking touch AC, so will hit most targets more reliably, while the Zen Archer can use Ki points for two less attacks than the two-weapon shuriken ninja, but will be using 1d8+Str mod for damage for each hit.