I spotted a character sheet in someone's character folder, which looked rather interesting. It has a rather interesting cursive script and... I guess it's Art Deco decorative strokes added to it, then some kind of female face in the upper left corner. Luckily, after looking through the game gallery, there was a photo of the sheet on a photo they took, which I liberated from the handwriting so I could show it.
On the sheet:
- At the top: Name, Race, Bennies, Connections, Languages, Factions
- "Attributes": Agility, Smarts, Spirit, Strength, Vigor
- "Skills"
- "Gear", with total weight, weight limit, and penalty
- "Power", with PP, range, and duration ("dur.")
- "Weapons", with range and damage. On one line it says "reach 2, STR+d4" for the range and damage
What game does this sheet belong to?