I'm searching for alternatives to adjust the difficulty for a count success system with a d6 or d10 dice pool, where characters' stats form the pool (ex: dext 3 + guile 3 = 6 dice pool).
The ways I do not want to use:
- remove dice from the pool
- example: "it is hard, remove 2d from your pool"
- pro: applied before the rolls, so the result of the roll will not be modified afterwards, making assessment of the result faster
- con: increase % of failure, while I only want to decrease the likelihood to happen, not the capability of the characters
- con: the psychological effect is "unfair" (for my players at least)
- changing the number of successes required
- example: "it is hard, make 3 successes instead of 2"
- pro: does not increase % of failure
- pro: the psychological effect is "fair" (to make more efforts)
- con: it makes the system variable (in the example, 2 would be no more a full success but a partial success; while I want 0 successes = always fail, 1 success = always partial success, 2 successes = always full success...)
- changing the pip that qualify as success
- example: "it is hard, successes are 6 instead of 5 and 6"
- pro: does not increase % of failure
- con: it makes the system variable (in the example, 5 would be no more a success; while I want 5, 6 always to be successes)
- to remove success after the roll
- example: "it is hard, remove 2 success from the roll"
- pro: does not increase % of failure
- con: modifier is applied after the dice rolled, so it slows the assessment of the result
- con: the psychological effect is "unfair" (for my players at least)
What I tried (only applied if task is inherently hard):
- any 1 in the result automatically makes it a partial success but it is not good because the bigger the dice pool (meaning competent), the bigger the chance of rolling 1s
- to add "difficulty dice" in the players' pool, where 1 on those dice makes it a partial success, but it slows the assessment of the result and I prefer to avoid to add stuff like different dice, cards, tokens...
- to make 2 success merge as 1, but it slows the assessment of the result and it is not elegant for 3 successes (merged as 1 or 2?) or 5 successes (merged as 2 or 3?)
- to reroll and take the lowest result, but it slows the game