For example: I have primal companion "Beast of the Sea" that has only 5ft. speed on land, but 60ft. swim speed. The second effect of "Shape Water" says:
You cause the water to form into simple shapes and animate at your direction. This change lasts for 1 hour.
So a simple shape (like sphere or cube) is enough for containing an aquatic beast, and I may animate this form for following my beast too, I suppose.
One implication I see is " your direction" which can be interpreted as literally one direction, but then I find the effect kind of "contradictory", given that you then have to accurately calculate the direction of the hour of travel in any another cases. But even then I guess this can be represented by two questions:
- Can I gain aquatic speed from my animal by this shenanigan with Shape Water in one forward direction?
- If yes, may I "animate" direction and get full access to aquatic speed in air for 1 hour?