I recently bought the SR5 PDF and am really liking many of the changes. Especially that mystic adepts are not as underpowered as in previous editions. However how they gain power points during character advancement seems to be unclear, as this is only described for adepts (without mention of mystic adepts).
During character creation, mystic adepts can buy power points for 5 karma each, up to their magic attribute. Nothing similar is mentioned in the character advancement rules, only that adepts gain one power point for each point of magic they gain (or from gaining a power point on initiation instead of learning a metamagic technique).
Do mystic adepts also gain a power point for each point of magic without spending additional karma? Can they spend extra karma for magic points for which they did not buy power points during character creation? And last but not least, can they also gain extra power points instead of learning new metamagic techniques?