According to my Greyhawk book (published in 1976)
On page 20 is the extended wizard spell list, on the lower right corner"
On page 28, about 1/2 way down the page
- "Wish: The same spell as found in a Ring of Wishes (DUNGEON AND DRAGONS, MONSTERS & TREASURES, page 33). Using a Wish Spell, however requires so great a conjuration that the user will be unable to do anything further magically for 2-8 days."
My thought on the reasoning was to give an explanation on how high level wizards were able to create the rings, since a player character could purchase one in the first OD&D books. And to give the wizard players something to look forward too at high level. I don't have documentation on this conjecture.
In OD&D Monsters and Treasures (1974) on Page 33
- "Three Wishes: As with any wishes, the wishes granted by the ring must be of
limited power in order to maintain balance in the game. This requires the utmost
discretion on the part of the referee. Typically, greedy characters will request
more wishes, for example, as one of their wishes. The referee should then put
that character into an endless closed time loop, moving him back to the time he
first obtained the wish ring. Again, a wish for some powerful item could be fulfilled
without benefit to the one wishing ("I wish for a Mirror of Life Trapping!",
and the referee then places the character inside one which is all his own!). Wishes
that unfortunate adventures had never happened should be granted. Clues can be
given when wishes for powerful items or great treasure are made."
Several items have Wish enchantment
On page 23 - "Sword +1 , Wishes Included (2-8 Wishes)"
On page 25 - rings of "Three Wishes" and "Many Wishes (4-24)"
In OD&D Monsters and Treasures, the reference for Djinn and Efreet on page 19
DJINN: All Djinn are aerial creatures and have not the powers typically credited
to them in fairy tales. They fight as Giants with a -1 as far as damage is concerned,
thus doing from 1-11 points of damage when hitting. They can carry up to 6,000
Gold Pieces in weight, walking or flying (the latter for short periods only). They
can create food which is nutritionally sound. They can create drinkable beverages.
They can create soft goods and wooden objects of permanence, but metallic items
last but a short time when created by them (the harder the metal the shorter its
life), so that Djinn-Gold lasts but one day. They can create illusions which will remain
until dispelled by touch or magic, and they need not concentrate upon the
illusions to maintain them. They can form a whirlwind 1" base diameter, 2" top
diameter, and 3" in height which otherwise is like that of an Air Elemental.
Djinn are also able to become invisible or assume gaseous form.
EFREET: These creatures are similar to the Djinn, but their basis is in fire and
they tend to be Chaotic. Their fabled home is the City of Brass. They are enemies
of the Djinn. The Efreet are otherwise like Djinn, with damage scored equal to
that done by a Giant (two dice, 2-12 points), and they can carry up to 10,000
Gold Pieces weight. In addition they can create a Wall of Fire and they can become
incendiaries. They will serve for 1001 days.
If there is an earlier reference, I haven't seen it. Neither seems to have direct references to wishes