Last game we had the following situation:
A custom made monster used the following attack against a player character:
Slash: std: 22 vs AC, 3D10 + 14, on successful hit 50% to stun the target
The player character was hit and took the damage, and the 50% chance succeeded and stunned him.
Stunned: you grant combat advantage, you can't take actions, you can't flank an enemy
The player's character is a warden with the Bloodied Outburst class feat:
Bloodied Outburst (11th level): Whenever you are first bloodied in an encounter, you can make a melee basic attack against an adjacent enemy as a free action.
The damage the player's character took put him into bloodied, so he wanted to exercise his feat. I denied the player this attack since he was stunned.
After the game I checked here what the right way is to resolve this and I found this question: If an attack does damage and causes the target to make an attack, which happens first?
According to this the situation is resolved in the order it is written, from top down, from left to right.
I am not sure if I've gotten it right:
- Does this mean that I first finish the monsters attack then apply the wardens feat?
- Do I roll the damage against the warden first, then the warden his basic attack, then he's stunned?
Does the Warden get to use his feat at all?