
I'm building a half-elf with the drow-blooded racial trait. What items or spells (or anything else), can my character use to overcome light blindness?

I came across this great question and answer related to D&D 3.5. What Pathfinder items and spells exist?


2 Answers 2


A quick google search on d20pfsrd.com reveals:

There's also the unofficial cantrip penumbra (from a Paizo blog supplement to Ultimate Magic). The higher level spell does offer protection to vampires and such as well, so maybe the cantrip is justified.


Have you considered blindsense or blindsight?

Classes: Oracle (Oracles Curse - Clouded Vision)

Items: Blindfold of True Darkness (Arms & Equipment, but not sure if this is 3.5 or Pathfinder), Swordmasters Blindfold (only 5ft, but comes with Locate Weakness)

There looks to be discussion about it here as well: playing-a-blinded-character-in-low-levels


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