I'm remaking my Hunter in my home game for when we hit level 15. Paragon Multiclass Path, Druid. Human, took bonus at will power (Twin Strike), now swapping it out for the Druid power Grasping Tide. If you don't know or you forgot, area burst 1 within 10, Wisdom vs Fortitude, Hit: 1d6 + Wis mod damage, and until the end of your next turn, if the target tries to leave the area, you make a secondary attack as an opportunity action. Wisdom vs Reflex, you knock the target prone. Amazing at will control power, if they're melee, which my GM seems to prefer.
Now. Paragon Feat: Resounding Thunder; You can add 1 to the size of any blast or burst that has the thunder keyword. My GM seems to like to start with the monsters spread out, a burst 1 might not cut it. I can go first pretty reliably: +25 Init and roll twice. If I can hit a substantial number of the monsters with this thing before they act, it would make things a lot easier because we have only one melee with a really low Init and no leader.
But I would have to make the power Thunder somehow to use Resounding Thunder, and I can't figure that out. Unless there's some other way of expanding a Primal burst at this level? Enlarge Spell doesn't work, that's only for Wizards.
I have Clever Shot, one of the things it can do is slide a target 2, that helps but I would have to spend an action point to do both, obviously.