Say you have a Martial Adept class on one side of your Gestalt and some other class on the other side, for sake of example let's go Rogue6//Swordsage6. By RAI, I figure that the Initiator Level takes the higher of the two tracks for determining IL (in this case Swordsage) and thus would be IL 6. However, to me it seems RAW actually doesn't clarify that at all. In fact, the closest thing to it was Caster Level which doesn't factor in other classes in its calculation.
It seems to me that by RAW, due to how IL is calculated in general and the fact that you have 12 class levels total in this case (6 martial adept, 6 otherwise) your total IL would be 9. Is this a correct reading of RAW or have I missed something somewhere?
Additionally, do the Pathfinder Path of War rules clarify or change this at all?