Say you're a rogue, standing between a tough-looking baddie and a Flaming Sphere (that your Wizard has just placed. You're not sure why it was placed there, but you're here to sneak and stab, not ask questions). Next thing you know, the baddie turns around and bull rushes you, right into the square with the sphere. As a rogue who formerly didn't ask questions, you have some questions:
- Do you take damage immediately, or on the Wizard's turn? (Assuming you fail the save)
- If you do take damage immediately, do you take it again on the Wizard's turn? (Assuming you have not left the square already)
- If you do not take damage immediately, and you move away before the Wizard's turn, did you just somehow avoid a scrape with a fiery death on a technicality?
These are the important questions that keep you up at night, at least until you complete that heist on the local city nobles.