Vehicles show up in a lot of places in Apocalypse World. The Driver. The Chopper and their gang. The Hardholder's garage. Several playbooks' advances. The road war moves. Heck, optionally, everyone can start with a base-level vehicle for free.
Most of these are described as somewhat similar to motor vehicles: bikes, cars, buggies, 4x4s, trucks, maybe a bus — and the rules are definitely built around that.
But what happens if the group's apocalyptic world isn't quite the gas-and-bullet Mad Max apocalypse? For example, let's say you want to constrain your game to the overgrown ruins of a single city. Or the apocalypse is a struggle against endless winter and you just can't fit quick travel and a powerful fuel source (gas/biodiesel/solar/whatever) into that setting.
(Tweaking the "and bullets" part is easy: the 2nd Edition book offers an example custom move that forces you to scrounge for ammo; you can change the weapon lists without breaking too much if you preserve some basic relationships.)
So, how do you play Apocalypse World without cars?
In particular:
- If you remove vehicles, what do you need to do to fill the gaps that leaves in some playbooks (like the Chopper and Hardholder)?
- If you "reskin" the vehicle mechanics into something else, e.g. animals, what mechanical changes do you need to make to reflect the changed theme? (New player-facing moves, tweaked road-war moves, different threat moves, &c.?)
Criteria for a good answer:
Experience-based answers, ideally with rules-hack examples if you hacked the rules.
Do not answer with "system-agnostic" advice from people who've never touched AW.