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Undead hunger & nourishing gate?

I'll be playing a blood lords campaghn soon & I was wondering if a ghoul kiniticist with the level 14 feat nourishing gate would still need to feed their undead hunger?
Nick DeShane's user avatar
1 vote
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Does the opportunity attack from Polearm Master also proc the speed of 0 from Cavalier's Hold the Line?

I wondered how this feat and class ability synergized. Polearm Master says: While you are wielding a glaive, halberd, pike, quarterstaff, or spear, other creatures provoke an opportunity attack from ...
K.L.R.'s user avatar
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Does innate sorcery apply to every attack from storm sphere?

A player at my table is looking at the 5e-2024 sorcerer and the 4th-level Storm Sphere spell from the Elemental Evil Players Companion. The spell provides a modest 2d6 AoE for the duration of its 1-...
kbrimington's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

How would the following changes affect this monster's CR?

I'm trying to adapt the Alzabo, a monster featured in Gene Wolf's New Sun novels to D&D. To do this I got the idea of starting with the Otyugh and adapting it from there. The creature's size and ...
king of panes's user avatar
2 votes
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Does girallon's blessing cast with beast claws mean a druid has 6 limbs and 4 attacks as a cat?

If a druid casts girallon's blessing and beast claws, then changes to cat form would he have six limbs with 4 attacks? Or would shifting cause him to change to a cat with no extra limbs? My druid has ...
Harold Bergh's user avatar
7 votes
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What is the resulting initiative order when a readied action triggers after a summoned monsters action but before the summoner?

In a recent game we had a situation where the PC summoned some monsters. Per SRD Summon monster 1: It appears where you designate and acts immediately, on your turn. It attacks your opponents to the ...
Corbin Matheson's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How long should a wooden construct burn (and continue to take damage) until it burns out (and stops doing damage)

My players encountered some wooden golems, which are vulnerable to fire damage. One of the players casts a Fire Bolt spell, the description of which says "A flammable object hit by this spell ...
Taliesin's user avatar
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6 votes
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Can you move between an attack and the attack granted by Horde Breaker?

If a Ranger with the Hunter subclass takes the Attack action to make a weapon attack, and then makes another attack using Horde Breaker, can they move between the two attacks? The related rules are ...
Tarod's user avatar
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Where is avatar stats of Tiamat in 2e (the guardian in the Cave of Greed)

In Planescape, Tiamat is cited as the guardian of the passage to the second layer of Baator. In the adventure Fires of Dis, page 33, there is the following description: "Tiamat’s a power, and ...
Lucas's user avatar
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-5 votes
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Life expectancy of holy water? [closed]

Since holy water is used for fighting undeads, there is a need to produce it on a regular basis. However, there must condition in which it looses its holy status, otherwise all water on earth would ...
Camion's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How to use a player's backstory without ignoring the other players?

I have a player with a really good backstory. It includes a character who could honestly be one of, if not the main, BBEG of our campaign. I’m scared that if I use their backstory, I might end up ...
Melissa Ferrie's user avatar
4 votes
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Attack Action: Can you equip or unequip more than one weapon using the Extra Attack feature or free object interaction?

Can a character with the Extra Attack feature, when taking the Attack action, equip or unequip a weapon twice? Can a character with the Extra Attack feature, when taking the Attack action and using ...
Tarod's user avatar
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8 votes
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Can I counter an opponent's attempt to counter my own spell?

In the 2024 update to D&D 5e, the rule limiting the casting of multiple spells per turn has changed: One Spell with a Spell Slot per Turn On a turn, you can expend only one spell slot to cast a ...
Ryan C. Thompson's user avatar
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Does Spell Breaker allow an Abjurer to attempt to dispel a spell twice in 1 turn?

In the 2024 update to D&D 5e, the rule limiting the casting of multiple spells per turn has changed: On a turn, you can expend only one spell slot to cast a spell. This rule means you can’t, for ...
Ryan C. Thompson's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Can you equip or unequip a weapon before or after a Bonus Action?

Using the Bonus Action mentioned in the Light property as an example, is that Bonus Action considered part of the Attack Action for the purpose of equipping or unequipping the weapon before or after ...
Tarod's user avatar
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6 votes
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Does a party have to wait 1d4 hours to start a Short Rest if no healing is available and an ally is only stabilized?

The rules for Short Rests say: To start a Short Rest, you must have at least 1 Hit Point. The rules for Long Rests say: To start a Long Rest, you must have at least 1 Hit Point. The rules for ...
Pyrotechnical's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I prevent a problem with a player/character that has a history of doing whatever they think is funniest if my character doesn't know that? [duplicate]

Basically, I'm in a group with someone I've played with before, but my character has never met. This player has in the past cast shatter on a cave ceiling while everyone except for him was inside the ...
Tasi's user avatar
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Are the DMG's "How PCs Improve" Options...Balanced?

The PHB says that characters level up between adventures, partly through training. Page 197 of the DMG provides optional rules to more explicitly describe this training, but... Its rule for Gaining ...
47948201's user avatar
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13 votes
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What's the benefit or drawback of being Small?

The D&D Free Rules (2024) just came out, and one surprising change is that humans can now be either Medium or Small size. Similarly, the Heavy weapon property has also changed, from imposing ...
Quadratic Wizard's user avatar
5 votes
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Is it possible for a Small Cavalier to have a mature, Medium mount?

This is a follow up on this question. I noticed that Goblins have an ancestry feat that would allow them to get a Medium Wolf as a Cavalier, but it seems like at maturity, the Wolf would become Large. ...
Bagley's user avatar
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Will a Cavalier's mount grow upon maturity if it already grew from the dedication?

The Cavalier Dedication states: You must choose an animal companion that's at least one size larger than you, but if the animal usually starts as Small, you can begin with a Medium version of that ...
Bagley's user avatar
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What are the most commonly used markdown tags when doing online role playing chats?

I am building an app to allow users to chat with characters using AI (sort of like character ai but more lengthy responses). The interface is going to support markdown for both the user and the AI's ...
JakeRow123's user avatar
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Would a feat allowing thrown weapons to be counted as melee be overpowered?

I am considering adding the following feat: Thrown Weapon Commander You have honed your skill with thrown weapons to the point that your weapons acts like a natural extension of your arm granting you ...
MivaScott's user avatar
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How does the Push Weapon Mastery property interact with the Psi Warrior Fighter's Telekinetic Thrust?

The 2024 Player's Handbook introduces Weapon Mastery as a set of additional combat options. Naturally, the newly revised fighter class comes with the ability to make use of Mastery properties right ...
screamline's user avatar
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Does proficiency with an ability check that uses a tool but not with the tool itself give any advantages for D&D 5.24?

So, in the new rules (5.24) it says the following description under any tool/kit: If you have proficiency with a tool, add your Proficiency Bonus to any ability check you make that uses the tool. If ...
Pedro Fontanarrosa's user avatar
4 votes
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What characteristics (class, feats, abilities, etc) of a character interact with magic items?

I'm looking for a complete list of 1st-party characteristics a PC can have that interact with magic items. Some possibilities are the Thief's Use Magic Device, the Artificer's Magic Item Adept, and ...
mkdir's user avatar
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Does an unseen creature with a burrow speed have advantage when attacking from underground?

In a 5E game, suppose a combat starts with the average party against a Dwarf in a cave. The party rolls higher initiative and goes first. After the party has taken their turns, during the Dwarf's ...
Cameron Crane's user avatar
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Do dragons that act in opposition to their species alignment experience physical changes that reflect it?

To clarify there are Chromatic Dragons which are always evil and Metallic Dragons which are always good but lets assume that a silver dragon started acting evil. Would the silver dragon have their ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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I am looking for talented composers of dnd music [closed]

I'm looking for some interesting dnd music. I recently came across the composer So I'm looking for more artists of this style. Can you recommend someone?
Vasyl' Dmytryev's user avatar
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Are fey characters balanced compared to other playable races?

I plan on being a fairy who came from the Feywild to the Material Plane via fey crossings, and there are some things that are good about this, and some that are bad. For starters, I've noticed that ...
Tasi's user avatar
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-7 votes
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Could I, in theory, expend all my spell slots to explode?

Like, when I say explode, I mean nothing remains, not me, not the enemy, nothing. Think Vegeta's final explosion against Majin Buu, and then again vs Toppo. Like, if I have all my spell slots ...
Tasi's user avatar
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8 votes
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Would it be Balanced to Give Everyone Warlock Slots for Casting Racial Spells?

As part of the campaign I'm running soon, each race is going to have innate spellcasting abilities. Other racial traits / bonuses will exist, but I'm hoping to balance those in isolation from this. I'...
Levanthalas's user avatar
7 votes
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Does Gravity Well work with Blade Ward?

Gravity well says: whenever you cast a spell on a creature, you can move the target 5 feet to an unoccupied space of your choice if the target is willing to move, the spell hits it with an attack, or ...
Hessian Matrix's user avatar
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If I was knocked approximately 1500 feet into the air and I can fly, could I perform a sort of 'Terminal Velocity Tackle'?

And if I could, how much damage would I - and the target - take? Could a Terminal Velocity Tackle actually be viable against a BBEG, if the circumstances allow it to happen in the first place? Now, ...
Tasi's user avatar
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Does a readied action have to be an action?

Like, if I'm near a cliff about to be knocked down the cliff, but I have wings, can I hold my action to catch myself with my wings?
Tasi's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

Lore reasons for being faithless

In D&D, religion is a real, tangible thing. Gods and deities are real, their blessings/curses on mortals are known, souls/the outer planes/the afterlife are all actual things. Denying them is like ...
Dfvx990mq321pl's user avatar
6 votes
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Readied action Sneak Attack after Action Surge

I was running a game the other night when one of the players pulled a tactic I was unsure about. I ruled against it and was then sent a reddit thread, however during a large life or death combat is ...
ItsScottish's user avatar
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Can unlimited Duration spells be Dismissed?

Reading the remastered description of Peaceful Rest (Player Core p348), I see that when heightened to level 5, its duration becomes unlimited. This seems like a useful way to keep someone's body ...
papidave's user avatar
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Is this homebrew Kelpie race balanced compared to official races?

I am planning on DMing for a group of friends, and one of them asked if they would be able to play as a Kelpie. After doing some searching, I am not satisfied with the current homebrew race options ...
TheLittlePeace's user avatar
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What Items Give Bonuses to Charisma Ability Checks? [duplicate]

I am thinking about dipping into Sorcerer so I can have the ability to cast scrolls. However, in order to cast scrolls higher than 1st level, I'd have to pass an ability check in order to do so. Aside ...
user3735278's user avatar
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Could you blind someone as part of a nonlethal attack when reducing an Enemy's health to zero? [closed]

Been wanting to try my hand at killing fewer enemies, but at the same time with how ubiquitous simple healing magic is for our faceless NPCs, I've been thinking of how to implement more permanent ways ...
Lucius Luci Cypher's user avatar
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Curing the petrified condition, using Remastered rules

In the Pathfinder 2nd Edition Legacy ruleset, the spell Stone to Flesh is available for curing petrification. However, this spell hasn't been updated to the Remastered release. What methods are ...
Acacia's user avatar
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Does Hallow stop me from leaving if I am within the area when it is cast?

I'm playing as a fairy, and was looking through the list of spells that affect me, but not humanoids. I came across hallow, which lasts until dispelled. It says fey, among other things, can't enter, ...
Tasi's user avatar
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Is there a way to resist spells or abilities with an AOE coming from my teammates, or exclude certain beings from the effect?

In my next game I'm playing a fey (specifically a fairy), and I'm worried about things like Turn the Faithless, as I don't know what my teammates are playing, and they could very easily use it ...
Tasi's user avatar
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LMoP Shattered Obelisk vs. Paladin Divine Sense

I am a new DM and managed to get my friends to try D&D with me. I struggled for a time trying to get them all sorted and have not fully read the campaign book yet. Last session I almost let the ...
else's user avatar
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3 votes
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I adjusted the 5e Ghost. Am I calculating its CR correctly?

I'm making a modified version of the Ghost for 5e. I used the DMG guidelines on pages 274 onward. When I went to calculate its defensive CR, I was astounded at how high it was. Am I making a mistake ...
user28536's user avatar
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9 votes
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Can Shatter damage Manifest Mind?

The wording for Manifest Mind says: you can cause the mind to manifest as a Tiny spectral object And Shatter says: A nonmagical object that isn’t being worn or carried also takes the damage if it’s ...
Axel Steel's user avatar
12 votes
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How does the summoned monster know who is my enemy?

It was said that the summoned monsters would have a default behavior of attacking the caster's opponents if they have not received any command from the caster. I am wondering how would the summoned ...
Terry Windwalker's user avatar
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Are there any mechanical implications of the laws imposed by the gods of magic in Dragonlance setting?

During the Second Dragon War, three elven mages unleashed the incommensurable and deep magic power of Krynn for fighting dragons and their armies. This led to victory, but also to immense destruction ...
Eddymage's user avatar
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Can a multiclass warlock/barbarian use Eldritch Smite while raging [duplicate]

The rage feature says If you are able to cast spells, you can’t cast them or concentrate on them while raging. And Eldritch Smite says Once per turn when you hit a creature with your pact weapon, ...
Himitsu_no_Yami's user avatar

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