The feat Share Soulmeld (Magic of Incarnum 41) has as its prerequisite the "[a]bility to shape soulmelds and a familiar, animal companion, or mount with whom you can share spells." The feat's description says, "You can share a soulmeld with an ally with which you have a special bond." The feat's Benefit, in part, says, "At your option, any soulmeld shaped by you and currently affecting you can also affect your familiar, animal companion, or [presumably special] mount" like that of a paladin.
If a meldshaper that possesses the feat Share Soulmeld has an animal companion, familiar, and special mount, can the meldshaper share a soulmeld (or even multiple soulmelds) with all three different creatures? Likewise, if that same meldshaper has—instead or also—multiple animal companions, familiars, or special mounts, can he share a soulmeld or soulmelds with all of those similar creatures?
Example 1
Although his friends laughed at him for taking such a bizarre mix of classes, Illyano the druid 1/healer 8/incarnate 1/sorcerer 1/knight of the Blue Moon 1 also took the feat Share Soulmeld. Can Illyano share one or more of his soulmelds—like the soulmeld soulspark familiar (86-7) because who's laughing now, right?—with his wolf animal companion, celestial unicorn companion, ibis familiar, and heavy warhorse special mount simultaneously?1
Example 2
Jalas the incarnate/wizard takes the feat Share Soulmeld and takes twice the feat Extra Familiar (Dragon #280 62) to gain a total of three familiars. While they're perched on his shoulder, can Jalas share his soulmed dissolving spittle (64-5) with his chipmunk, ferret, and weasel familiars?2
Example 2 describes the plan of a character in a current campaign. Answers addressing that example in particular are most welcome.
Note: This is part 3 in a series of questions on the feat Share Soulmeld. The installment that asks if a buddy that's sharing a soulmeld benefits from its master having bound (and invested essentia in) the soulmeld is here, and the installment that asks about the broader functionality of the feat Share Soulmeld is here.
1 Yes, picking the soulmeld soulspark familiar is kind of a jerk move.
2 Jalas was really worried about his Reflex saving throw.