The Second Darkness adventure path (which is for for dnd-3.5e) in its third chapter The Armageddon Echo includes a new monster, the elven flesh golem, that possesses the following special qualitity:
Flurry of Arrows (Ex): The elven flesh golem wields two longbows at once, and can make attacks with each in the same round at no penalty to its attack roll. Plucking arrows out of its body to fire at foes is a free action for the golem. (30)
My gestalt Pathfinder druid 5//monk 5 was hoping to gain this special ability using some combination of the feat Multiweapon Fighting, the zen archer archetype's special ability to flurry of blows with a bow, and the supernatural ability wild shape to assume the form of an octopus when I finally realized I'd seen the special ability in a non-Pathfinder publication!
Is there a way for a Pathfinder PC to gain the ability to make full attacks with two or more bows on the same turn?