I'm trying to learn more about GURPS for a future campaign, and I'm working on converting some old DnD characters to get a grasp of how to build PCs. My players will need my help with chargen, so I want to get a good grasp before we play our next GURPS game.
I'm not terribly concerned with making abilities match 1:1, but making some of the signature character traits we homebrewed in DnD work in GURPS. One character in the last campaign was cursed with a supernatural blindness - her eyes burned away, but she gained a limited form of truesight (from DnD 5e). She could see through illusions, see the invisible, and see perfectly in darkness, magical or otherwise, but was completely blind outside of a radius of 60 feet. I also ruled that she could see 360° around her, without needing to turn her head etc, so she could do things observe people nearby while acting inconspicuous. She can't see through walls or anything like that.
So far in GURPS terms, I've got the following:
- 360° Vision, Panoptic 2 [40 pts]
- See Invisible (Magical), Truesight [23 pts]
- Dark Vision [25 pts]
I'm at a loss how to model the 60ft limitation though. What's the best way to work this out? Reduced Range from Powers seems like it's meant to apply to things that already had a range, like the distance you can shoot laser beams or whatever.