The title says it all, but I'll elaborate for clarity, though I'm not clever with stories so it will be bland:
Ernie the Eldritch Knight has bonded to his halberd. Plot happens and his halberd is now in a remote area far away from him, and it has been broken in half by one clean slice across the handle.
By RAW, can Ernie summon the two weapon pieces to himself with his class feature?
Factors that affect a simple ruling, in my mind:
In favor of NO:
- The object is clearly not usable as a halberd anymore, and any practical interpretation would say it's not even a proper weapon anymore.
- Since the weapon is summoned to the fighter's hand, having more than one piece could be problematic.
- The cantrip Mending states "This spell repairs a single break or tear in an object you touch, such as...two halves of a broken key..." (emphasis mine), which implies the two halves are separate entities, laying precedent for the status of a broken object if you choose to read it that way.
In favor of YES:
- A broken clock on the wall is still a clock. A "broken, bonded weapon" could, by that logic, be considered a "bonded weapon," even though it could no longer be properly wielded.
- A weapon with embellishments such as decorative paint or a leather handle around the wooden core would, ostensibly, summon the whole thing. By this logic all pieces can be summoned as part of the whole.
- The cantrip Mending states "This spell repairs a single break or tear in an object you touch, such as...two halves of a broken key..." (emphasis mine) which implies that the key can still be referenced as "an object," singular, if you choose to read it that way.
I can see a DM ruling on either side of this, but that's not the question. Are there any rules that give guidance on this, perhaps in regards to broken weapons or objects, that remove any uncertainty by RAW?
As a note, two pieces were used as an example so Mending could be applied without question. The answer should extend to broken or damaged objects in general, noting if the number of pieces or nature of damage is a factor.