As far as I can tell a long rest is "a period of extended downtime, at least 8 hours long, during which a character sleeps or performs light activity: reading, talking, eating, or standing watch for no more than 2 hours." Conversely a short rest is "a period of downtime, at least 1 hour long, during which a character does nothing more strenuous than eating, drinking, reading, and tending to wounds."
If I do not intend to sleep for this specific long rest can I avoid gaining the benefits of a long rest by assuming I took 8 consecutive short rests instead?
My example was the Aspect of the Moon Invocation
The question does originate from the sorcerer points into spell slots mechanic using the above invocation. However, after deliberation this would immediately qualify as a long rest at 8 hours and thus reset any additional spell slots created. My question is no longer relevant at that point.