I'm just starting out with Savage Worlds and I'm running through the combat rules
I had two humans
Ag6 Sm6 St6 Sp6 Vi6 - Pc6 Pa5 To5, spiked baseball bat Str+d4 + 2
fighting three frogmen
Ag4 Sm6 St6 Sp6 Vi8 - Pc8 Pa5 To6, bite Str+d4
I quickly got to a point in the fight where one of the humans had stunned a frogman.
The rules on page 77 explain Shaken but I just want to be sure I understand it correctly.
If any character (model), wild card or not, is Shaken, they MUST during their activation, in order of initiative, use their action to roll a Spirit test (TN 4) or spend a Bennie to remove the Shaken effect.
If making a Spirit Test a Failure and a Success both restrict the character to free actions only and since their action has been used up making the roll the character can really only Walk or Run their Pace.
I'm assuming doing Multiple actions is not allowed i.e. saying they are Defending or Taking a wild swing at their attacker at -2.
If they Run/Walk away I assume attackers in melee range get a free attack.
The other thing I'm a bit hazy on is does a melee attack on a Shaken target get a hit bonus? Experience tell me that if you land a solid punch on someone the follow up punch usually hits too but I'm pretty sure that being Shaken doesn't let an attacker do a Finishing Move.