Today I was searching for some 5th edition rules to clarify attacking with a longbow from stealth and how the fighter's extra attack feature interacts with gaining advantage from attacking from stealth.
I was able to confirm from a Sage Advice response that only the first attack from stealth is considered a surprise attack from stealth, and only that first attack gains advantage. Attacks after that do not gain advantage.
How would that interact with an archer that nocks 2 arrows in the bowstring to fire 2 arrows with one "attack" of the longbow? Would both arrows gain the advantage of being fired from stealth? or just the first one that lands on a target?
This might just be my way of flavoring up the RP of having the extra attack feature as an archer, but I wanted to be sure of the technical aspects of the attack before I do it at our table and cause a rule confusion.
My Google-fu didn't bear much for results, so I'm hoping some can steer me in the right direction here.