Came across a scenario that’s a little odd:
A creature hits a character with an attack.
The character has an ability that deals damage when he is hit. Based on other rulings the damage from the character to the creature happens before the creature rolls damage on the player.
Now what happens if the creature takes enough damage to be killed? I see two options:
- The creature is dead and no longer gets a damage roll.
- The damage already "happened" before he died and a roll is still made.
I'm asking about any time a reaction or triggered effect causes a creature to die between its attack and damage roll and not this spell in particular but as an example a warlock casting armor of agathys with a 5th level slot, being hit by a low level creature like a 7 hp goblin.
Does the goblin hit and takes 25 damage and is dead, therefore no damage roll? Or does the goblin hit, deal ~5 damage and takes 25 damage and is dead?
It generally only matters when trivial creatures (less than CR 1) are attacking higher level characters (greater than lvl 5), situations I wouldn't bother actually playing through, but how I run it at a table could have implications on other abilities.
No "makes sense in real world" answers as I'm talking about magic and it has no real world logic. I can use story and fluff text to explain either version.