I'm very enamored of White Wolf's Changeling: The Lost for a wide variety of reasons. First and foremost, I love the dramatic character hooks the setting provides - just coming up with variations on escaped changeling characters gives me a hundred different heart-wrenching characters. I also love the portrayal of the callous fey, and the way the magic mechanics intertwine with storytelling considerations.
However, I'm having a lot of trouble coming up with any sort of adventure concept or campaign arc for the system. The primary drama in the game seems to me of the personal sort - each changeling has his own unique tortured past to deal with. Character arcs are great, but I want to run a group game, not an anthology. And I just don't see the setting providing many threats that seem appropriate for the scope of a group of four or five people. There's personal interests... and there's "national-level," freehold-scope issues... But what is there to occupy a small group, to keep them active and together?
So, I am looking for advice on constructing adventure/campaign concepts appropriate to C:TL. While individual plot suggestions are welcome, I'm first and foremost looking for advice as to what sort of threats the C:TL setting provides that fit the scope of a small group. Bonus points for also covering any of the following:
- Not demanding that the whole group be connected by their fey captor or type of captivity. (I love the possibilities of character creation, and don't want to restrict players in this. More minor connections, e.g. "All of you know [Character X]" or "All of you want to be included in organizing the Feast of Dead Roses" are fine.)
- Threats which offer a clear and immediate course of action. (That is to say, "You must immerse yourself in the byzantine court intrigue and somehow gain power over [Character X]" is less helpful than "You must follow [Character X] at a ball, find out who he is communicating with, and steal the fey artifact he is delivering.)
- Plot concepts which provide room to explore character's personal arcs. (Again, the personal arcs are going to be cool, so tying them into the main arc is really great to make sure they get some screen time. In fact, I'm seriously considering trying to play the C:TL setting with the Primetime Adventures mechanics, just because I really want personal character arcs to get their due.)