Forever ago, in a land far away, I stumbled across a Dungeons & Dragons monster that seems pretty neat. I wasn't DMing at the time, so I never used it. Now I've been DMing for a bit and I want to use it in an adventure I've been planning, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was called.
- I'm almost positive it was from 3.5 edition.
- I want to say it was a monstrous aberration, but it could've been extraplanar.
I remember the story snippet for it saying that this monster takes up residence in caverns and caves. If it is near a town, the people in the area will start having odd dreams not long after it arrives.
I don't remember if it feeds on the dreams, or if the dreams somehow coerce the people into fulfilling some action though.
I know this is vague, and I apologize. I figured I'd ask just in case.