There is the Citadel line - depending upon how long ago, these might be them, for use with their LOTR tabletop battle game. Which said game isn't that old - 2001 or so, and it's been 28-30mm since launch.
Also unlikely are Mithril's lines, which are pretty recent; 32 might be used with D&D maps at scale, but 54's certainly wouldn't, and both are unlikely to be confused with 25mm figs if any 25/28's were in use.
However, since you stated 25mm, and said "Years ago"... and that standard's been out of D&D use for about 12 years, I find it more likely that it's the old Rolemaster-derived Middle Earth Role Play, and it's associated line.
For an example of them:
Further, there was an even older line of minis before then, but I forget who released them.