Dragon #318, in the article "Oriental Adventures Update: Eastern Flavor" (essentially a guide for converting the 3.0 Oriental Adventures sourcebook to 3.5e), on page 38, has the following Ancestor feat:
Keen Intellect [Dragon]
You may use your Intelligence modifier instead of your Wisdom modifier when making Heal, Sense Motive, Spot, or Survival checks. You may also use your Intelligence modifier instead of Wisdom when making a Will saving throw.
This allows you to use your Intelligence for Will saving throws, though the feat is meant to be restricted as in the setting in question it should only be available to members of the Dragon clan.
The Complete Adventurer splatbook, also 3.5e, features a couple of feats that do similar save shuffling: Force of Personality, which allows you to use Charisma for some Will saving throws (prerequisite Cha 13, only applies to [mind-affecting] effects), and Insightful Reflexes, which allows Intelligence for Reflex saves (no prereq).
This is all 3.5e material; I'm not personally aware of feats or features in Pathfinder that do the same thing. Maybe you can persuade your GM to allow the material - they're not the worst offenders for unbalanced feats. Though they are strictly better than the standard save-boosting feat set in core, those feats (Iron Will etc.) are already sub-par choices, so a more powerful alternative doesn't hurt.