You need a fixed object or surface from which to physically push
Levitate (PHB, 255) requires that:
The target can move only by pushing or pulling against a fixed object or surface within reach (such as a wall or a ceiling)
Sadly, you can't locomote yourself, you need something physical to push/pull in order to move. But there are options:
Creating a fixed object or surface
With none available, you could create one using a spell like Wall of Stone/Force/Ice that could then be used as a point to push or pull off of. However, you'd need to work with someone on that as those are all concentration spells.
Some other magic items may work as well such as Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments (DMG 183) could make a surface.
A much simpler item would be an immovable rod (DMG 175). Activate and push/pull.
Non-magical options
I haven't been able to find any non-magical options that would create a fixed object or surface. Unfortunately, magic is your only option to create a fixed option where there was none before.